Sunday, February 20, 2011

Stability Ball!!

Well I didn't get to lowest weight this week was 177.0  So close! I was one decimal point away.  Despite my perceived failure I made some major strides this week.  I managed to lose weight this week.  I won some major battles with bowls of cereal, chips in restaurants, even happy bagels and happy cheese (my term for bagel thins and laughing cow lite cheeses).  It wasn't super easy, but I'm starting to learn how to win these battles with food before they even start.  It all happens within the space of one second.  For example, I was at the residence hall cafeteria and I finished my lunch.  I started thinking about the cereal wall.  I was doing my habitual reading of the New York Times and I thought to myself, "Well maybe I'll get something to munch on until I finish the editorial page.  I don't want to be sitting here in the cafeteria, taking up space not eating..." But I stopped myself. I realized how ridiculous it was to think that I had to eat in order to reading a newspaper.  Paul Krugman's latest take on the economic crisis does not require frosted flakes to understand.  I sped through the rest of the page and fled the cafeteria.  Though there was that moment of panic "I HAVE TO GET AWAY FROM ALL THIS DAMN FOOD"  Once I got outside into the air, I was so proud of myself.  I knew that I had made the right choice. I knew that I didn't like I had missed out for not having a bowl of cereal.

In Exercise news.  I did some running this week.  I ran a mile and then ran walked a second mile on Monday.  Then on Thursday I did a couple sprints on my three mile walk to and from Hy Vee.  On Tuesday and Friday I did my Biggest Loser circuit routine with Coach Boyfriend.   My muscles are getting more defined everyday and I love it!  On Saturday Boyfriend and I went to Walmart to pick up some ten pound weights because the five pounders are no longer cutting it.  Well, while there I impulse bought a stability ball because it was so cheap.  It's all emerald green and sooo pretty.  I did the workout included in the box that the ball came in.  It was interesting, I kept almost falling off, but this should really do wonders for my sense of balance.  I love it so far.  I'll let you know how it goes!

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