Monday, May 9, 2011

The Kari Returns

Howdy Ya'll. It's been awhile I know.  I did more retreating than I should have in the past few months.  The stress of my last year of college, of waiting to hear about my Fulbright award, of dealing with my all got to me, and I medicated with food.  I used Chinese restaurants like therapy sessions...and as a result I lost the meager progress that I had made. 

Well, I can't just give up.  I'm making a decision to get back on the wagon.  I've tried and failed in the past, but I don't see that as a reason to stop trying.  If I had spent all those times that I had tried to lose weight, just eating whatever I wanted...I'd probably weigh 300 pounds right now.  I'm going to take what I learned from my last failure and keep on going.  Not a lot of people read this I don't feel like I need to apologize to anyone but myself.    I just have to keep on going...keep on working. 

What am I going to do this week to start up again? 

1.  Up my water fluid consumption up to this point has consisted mostly of diet coke and whiskey

2.  Eat only when I'm hungry and stop when I'm no longer hungry...not when I'm stuffed to bursting. 

I've changed my environment.  I'm out of my boyfriend's apartment (we didn't break up, we just had to leave college now that we've graduated).  I'm not living with my father and stepmother like I usually do.  I'm living with my mother who I haven't lived with since I was three years old.   I'm in a new part of the city and will probably get a job here.  Hopefully the new environment will allow me to make new good habits. 

Also if you're wondering why I as a college grad am planning to live with my mom... I got the Fulbright fellowship.  In August I will be leaving the United States to go to Yakutsk Russia to teach English.  Yakutsk is the coldest city on earth.  I'm not kidding...seriously...look it up.  Holy cow.  I'm going to need to save up it wouldn't make much sense to pay for an apartment for 3.5 months before I leave the country for 10 months.  Here I go again...hopefully for the last time.